OVA/Hyper-V Appliance URL and Default Credentials
The following URL and default credentials are provided for reference, backup, restore and migration operations of the OVA/Hyper-V appliance. It's highly recommended that the default credentials are changed on the OVA/Hyper-V appliances.
MySQL Root
- Username: root
- Password: T4issSW0XHV0Mf5h3NsR
MySQL Hermes Database
- Username: hermes
- Password: pdT63m5C205AiuSu1bey
MySQL Ciphermail/Djigzo Database
- Username: djigzo
- Password: DwRV08foKDrZCeYIvfIm
MySQL Syslog Database
- Username: rsyslog
- Pasword: fs82UL4oFtwzk6vGclvV
MySQL Opendmarc Database
- Username: opendmarc
- Password: ToZBmxElmvwzY8OBtV11
Lucee Server and Web Administrator
The Lucee Server and Web Administrator should NOT be accessible from the Internet
- Server URL: http://<ipaddress>:8888/lucee/admin/server.cfm
- Web URL: http://<ipaddress>:8888/lucee/admin/web.cfm
- Password: 7tqirca0jtByn73unHir
Hermes SEG Administration Console
- URL: https://<ipaddress>:9080/admin/logon.cfm
- Username: admin
- Password: ChangeMe2!
Djigzo/Ciphermail Web GUI
- URL: https://<ipaddress>:9080/ciphermail/login
- Username: admin
- Password: admin