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Install OnlyOffice Document Server Ubuntu 18.04


Add the repository containing the up-to-date Node.js package versions: curl -sL https://deb.node...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

Restict Access to OnlyOffice Document Server to Nextcloud Users Only


ONLYOFFICE Document Server can use a token generated using the JSON Web Tokens (JWT) standard in ...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

Upgrade php 7.3 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS


Since Ubuntu 18.04 comes with php 7.2, you must install from the ppa:ondrej repository: sudo add...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

Commandbox Install in Ubuntu


Run the following command in CLI prompt to install Commandbox: /usr/bin/curl -fsSl https://dow...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

Determining and Clearing Container Disk Usage in Overlay2


Show disk usage using docker df: docker system df Should output similar to below: TYPE ...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

Cord Cutting

#!/bin/bash formats=(zip rar) commands=([zip]="unzip -u" [rar]="unrar -o- e") extraction_subdi...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

Deluge Auto Extract Torrents Settings

Cord Cutting

Create a Deluge directory structure as follows: deluge --> incoming (for in-progress downlo...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

Sync Time from External Time Source

Active Directory

By default, all machines in the domain will sync time from the domain controller which is the int...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

How to Create VMFS Datastore on Vmware OS bootdrive


Normally a vmfs partition is already created by ESXi on the boot drive. You can verify by going l...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

Commandbox Install in Windows


Download CommandBox from Extract down...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards


Hermes SEG Administrator Guide General Information

Hermes Secure Email Gateway is a Free Open Source (Hermes SEG Community Only) Email Gateway that ...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

How to Create a Spam Report Button in Outlook

Hosted E-mail

E-mail Spam Definition "Spam is any kind of unwanted, unsolicited digital communication, often a...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

How to Create a Not Spam Report Button in Outlook

Hosted E-mail

Introduction When you receive an e-mail that you believe should not had been marked as [SUSPECTE...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

Opening an Encrypted PDF Email in the Secure Email Portal

Hosted E-mail

Introduction When you receive an Encrypted PDF email, the email has a Password Protected PDF fil...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

How to Install and Configure KVM on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS


Original How-To URL: KVM (...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

How To Setup a Firewall with UFW on an Ubuntu and Debian Cloud Server


What is UFW? UFW, or Uncomplicated Firewall, is a front-end to iptables. Its main goal is to mak...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

Install and Configure OpenVPN Client


Install OpenVPN client apt install openvpn -y Manually connect to OpenVPN server Generat...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards

Configure Zabbix Docker


Configure Zabbix Server to point to zabbix-agent container Navigate to Monitoring --> Hosts ...

Updated 3 years ago by Dino Edwards