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Install and Configure xmrig for Monero XMR Crypto Mining

Create a directory for xmrig under /opt:

mkdir /opt/xmrig

Download attached  and extract to the /opt/xmrig directory you created above:

unzip /opt/xmrig

Move the xmrig.service file that was included in the file to /etc/systemd/system:

mv /opt/xmrig/xmrig.service /etc/systemd/system/

Create a user for xmrig:

sudo adduser xmrig

Set a password for the user and answer the resultant prompts

Enable the xmrig service:

sudo systemctl enable --now xmrig

Start the xmrig service:

sudo systemctl restart xmrig

Ensure xmrig service has started:

systemctl status xmrig

If the service is started, the output should be similar to below:

● xmrig.service - XMRig Monero MinerLoaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/xmrig.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)Active: active (running) since Fri 2021-02-19 21:17:30 UTC; 11min agoMain PID: 7516 (xmrig)Tasks: 14 (limit: 4915)CGroup: /system.slice/xmrig.service└─7516 /opt/xmrig/xmrig --config=/opt/xmrig/config.json --log-file=/opt/xmrig/xmrig.log

View xmrig service logs:

journalctl -u xmrig