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Virtual Recipients

Virtual Recipients are recipients that are not directly mapped to recipient mailboxes. For example, if you have an Internal Recipient joe@domain.tld but you also want the email address joe.smoe@domain.tld to deliver email to joe@domain.tld, you would set up a virtual address of joe.smoe@domain.tld to deliver to joe@domain.tld. Please note, Virtual Recipients are not only limited to Hermes SEG Internal Recipients. You can also create a Virtual Recipient to deliver email to an outside email address not handled by Hermes SEG. In the above example, we can easily setup joe.smoe@domain.tld to deliver to

Note: Any email destined for a virtual recipient are NOT processed by the Bayes Spam Filter. In other words, email will not be checked for spam.

Create Virtual RecipientRecipient(s)

    • Click on the Create Recipient(s) button (Figure 1).

    Figure 1


    • On the CreateAdd Virtual RecipientRecipient(s) page, under the the VirtualLocal-Part(s)  field, enter as many local-part(s) as required each in its own line (part before the virtual@symbol addressof an e-mail address). You can also leave the Local-Part(s) field empty if you wish to createforward withoutan theentire domain part.domain.
    • Under the the @Domain  drop-down field, select the domain you wish to associate the virtual email address with.use.
    • Under the Delivers to  field, enterstart typing the emaile-mail address of an existing internalInternal Recipient and the system will show a drop-down listing of Internal Recipients matching the e-mail address you are typing or enter an external address.
    • Click the CreateSubmit button (Figure 1).

Figure 1


  1. You will be automatically redirected back to the Virtual Recipients page with your new Virtual Recipient added to the list (Figure 2).

Figure 2



Edit Virtual Recipient

  • On the Virtual Recipients page, locate the virtual recipient you wish to edit by typing any part of the e-mail address in the Search: field and then click the image-1649070479512.png button next to the virtual recipient (Figure 3). 

Figure 3


On the Edit Virtual Recipient page, make the necessary changes and click the Submit button (Figure 4).

Figure 4


Delete Virtual RecipientRecipient(s)


    When deleting a Virtual Recipient,
  • On the systemVirtual doesRecipients NOTpage, prompt you for a confirmation. Clicking the delete icon will IMMEDIATELY deletelocate the virtual recipient.

    1. Click on the image-1609595846390.pngicon under the Delete column of the Virtual Recipientrecipient(s) you wish to delete.delete by typing any part of the e-mail address(es) in the Search: field, place a checkmark on the checkbox next to the virtual recipient and then click the Delete button on top of the page (Figure 5). 

Figure 5


On the Delete Recipient(s) confirmation page, click the Yes button to delete the recipient or No to cancel (Figure 6)

Figure 6
