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How to Increase Virtual Machine Disk Size in VMware

Original Article:

Increase the Size of VM Disk (VMDK) in VMware

For example, you have a virtual machine with a single virtual hard disk file (vmdk) of 40GB, and you plan to increase this virtual disk size to 50GB.

  1. Connect to your vCenter server or a standalone ESXi host using the vSphere Web Client;


  1. Find the virtual machine and open its settings (Actions -> Edit Settings); 
  2. Find the virtual disk you want to extend. In this example, the VM has only one Hard Disk 1 with a size of 40 GB. Specify the new disk size in this field and save the settings. Note that the maximum disk size available for this type of datastore (VMFS, NFS, vSAN) is specified in the Maximum size field; 


Make sure that your VMFS datastore has enough free space. If required, you can increase the size of the VMFS datastore in VMWare ESXi/vCenter.

You can also use the VMware PowerCLI module cmdlets to increase the size of the virtual machine VMDK disk. Install the PowerCLI module on your Windows or Linux computer:
Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI
Connect to your vCenter server or ESXi host:

Connect-VIServer hostname

Run the following command to expand the virtual disk:

Get-HardDisk VMTest1 | where {$_.Name -eq "hard disk 1"} | Set-HardDisk -CapacityGB 50 -ResizeGuestPartition -Confirm:$false


Then you can use the Invoke-VMScript cmdlet to extend a partition in the guest operating system:

Invoke-VMScript -VM VMTest1 -ScriptText "echo select vol c > c:\diskpart.txt && echo extend >> c:\diskpart.txt && diskpart.exe /s c:\diskpart.txt" -GuestUser $guestUser -GuestPassword $guestPass -ScriptType BAT

Earlier, we showed an example of how to use the Invoke-VMScript to automatically install Windows updates in VMware VM templates.

Don’t forget to terminate the PowerShell management session once you’re done:

Disconnect-VIserver -Confirm:$false

Now that you have increased the virtual disk size in the VMware console, you need to extend the partition in the guest OS

Extend a Partition in a Windows Virtual Machine

You must start the Disk Management console (Computer Management-> Storage-> Disk Management) and run the Rescan Disk command for the guest Windows OS to see the additional space.


Next, select the partition you want to extend and click Extend Volume


Specify how many MB of unallocated space you want to add to the selected Windows partition (in the field Select the amount of space in MB).


Now click Next -> Finish and check if your C drive has been successfully extended.


When extending a system partition (C:\ drive), you may find that it is followed by a Windows Recovery Environment partition instead of unallocated space. In this case, the Extend Volume option will not be available in the Disk Manager (greyed out). 



In that case, you won’t be able to extend your C: drive unless you delete or move the Recovery partition to the end of the drive. We have described this procedure in the article Extend Volume option is grayed out in Windows.

Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 don’t support the online extension of the system C: volume. You can use Dell’s ExtPart tool to expand the system partition without rebooting.

To extend the system partition in Windows 2003/XP, copy the tool to the guest operating system and run it with the following parameters:

extpart.exe c: 1020

, where c: is the name of the volume you want to extend, and 1020 is the size (in MB) you want to extend the disk by.


You can also extend the offline VM disc partition in other ways:

  • Boot your virtual machine from any LiveCD (for example, GParted), and increase the partition;
  • Connect a virtual VMDK file to another VM and extend the partition on that machine;
  • Use the VMware vCenter Converter tool to reconfigure the volume size.

How to Extend Partition in Linux Virtual Machine?

Now let’s look at how to expand the disk partition if you have a Linux family guest operating system installed in your virtual machine.

The first thing to do is to make sure that Linux sees the new disk size. To start a rescan, run the command:

$ echo 1>/sys/class/block/sdd/device/rescan

Use the cfdisk tool to show the available virtual hard disk space:

$ sudo cfdisk

This example shows that the /dev/sda drive has 2 GB of free space. Select the partition you want to extend (which is /dev/sda3 in this example) and chose Resize from the bottom menu.


Then click Write to apply the changes to the partition.


In my case, I need to extend the partition in an Ubuntu 22.04 LTS virtual machine. By default, this version of Ubuntu is installed on LVM volume:

$ sudo lsblk


Before you can extend an LVM volume, you need to increase the physical volume (PV):

$ sudo pvresize /dev/sda3

Once that’s done, you can extend the logical volume (we’ll use all the free space available):

$ sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv


The next step is extending the file system:

$ sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv

Check free disk space in Linux:

$ df -h


If you do not have LVM volumes, you can use the parted tool to extend partitions in Linux:

$ sudo parted

Let’s check how much unallocated space you have on the disk:

print free

As you can see, Free Space = 2149MB


To extend the /dev/sda3 partition, run:

resizepart 3

Specify a new partition size (in this example, we need to specify the End size from the Free Space block):

End? [21.5GB]? 23.6G


Then exit the parted:


All that remains is to grow an ext4/3/2 file system.

$ sudo resize2fs /dev/sda3