Commandbox Commands
Install Coldbox MVC and Deploy App
box mkdir /opt/hermes/webapps/Coldbox-Hermes
cd /opt/hermes/webapps/Coldbox-Hermes
box install coldbox
box coldbox create app HermesSEG
Start Server Arguments:
Numeric port (port number)
String host (bind to a host/ip)
Boolean openbrowser (open a browser after starting)
String directory (web root for this server)
Numeric stopPort (stop socket listener port number)
Boolean force = "false" (force start if status is not stopped)
Boolean debug (Turn on debug output while starting and stream server output to console.)
String webConfigDir (custom location for web context configuration)
String serverConfigDir (custom location for server configuration)
String libDirs (comma-separated list of extra lib directories for the server to load)
String trayIconFile (path to .png file for tray icon)
String webXML (path to web.xml file used to configure the server)
Boolean HTTPEnable (enable HTTP)
Boolean SSLEnable (enable SSL)
Numeric SSLPort (SSL port number)
String SSLCertFile (Path to SSL certificate file)
String SSLKeyFile (Path to SSL key file (required if SSLCert specified))
String SSLKeyPass (SSL key passphrase)
Boolean rewritesEnable (enable URL rewriting (default false))
String rewritesConfig (optional URL rewriting config file path)
Numeric heapSize (The max heap size in megabytes you would like this server to start with, it defaults to 512mb)
Numeric minHeapSize (The min heap size in megabytes you would like this server to start with)
Boolean directoryBrowsing (Enables directory browsing (default false))
String JVMArgs (Additional JVM args to use when starting the server. Use "server status --verbose" to debug)
String runwarArgs (Additional Runwar options to use when starting the server. Use "server status --verbose" to debug)
Boolean saveSettings = "true" (Save start settings in server.json)
String cfengine (sets the cfml engine type)
String WARPath (sets the path to an existing war to use)
String serverConfigFile (The path to the server's JSON file. Created if it doesn't exist.)
Numeric startTimeout (The amount of time in seconds to wait for the server to start (in the background).)
Boolean console (Start this server in the forground console process and wait until Ctrl-C is pressed to stop it.)
String welcomeFiles (A comma-delimited list of default files to load when visiting a directory (index.cfm,index.htm,etc))
String serverHomeDirectory (The folder where the CF engine WAR should be extracted)
String restMappings (A comma-delimited list of REST mappings in the form of /api/*,/rest/*. Empty string to disable.)
Boolean trace (Enable trace level logging)
String javaHomeDirectory (Path to the JRE home directory containing ./bin/java)
Boolean AJPEnable (Enable AJP)
Numeric AJPPort (AJP Port number)
String javaVersion (Any endpoint ID, such as "java:openjdk11" from the Java endpoint)
String startScript (If you want to generate a native script to directly start the server process pass bash, cmd, or pwsh)
String startScriptFile (Optional override for the name and location of the start script. This is ignored if no startScript param is specified)
Boolean dryRun (Abort actually starting the server process, but all installation and downloading will still be performed to "warm up" the engin e installation.)
Boolean verbose (Activate extra server start information without enabling the debug mode in the actual server (which you wouldn't want in produ ction))
Boolean trayEnable (Enable the system tray icon/menu)
String profile (Controls default server settings. Profiles: production, development, none)
String blockCFAdmin (Block access to Lucee or ACF admin. Valid values are true, false, external)
Start Server
box server start host= port=8282 --rewritesEnable
Start Server with Lucee Admin Enabled
box server start host= port=8282 BlockCFAdmin=false --rewritesEnable
Start Server with Lucee Admin Enabled & Custom Directories
box server start host= port=8282 BlockCFAdmin=false webConfigDir=/opt/hermes/webapps/Lucee/web serverConfigDir=/opt/hermes/webapps/Lucee/server serverHomeDirectory=/opt/hermes/webapps/Lucee CommandBox_home=/opt/hermes/webapps/Commandbox --rewritesEnable
Stop Server
box server stop
Deploy Coldbox App
box coldbox create app myApp
Create handler
CommandBox> coldbox create handler helloWorld index,add,edit,list
Re-initialize Framework
Install Packages
Full list of packages/modules available on forgebox:
Below is a list of helpful examples:
BCrypt -- Industry-standard password hashing
cbdebugger -- For debugging Coldbox apps
cbjavaloader - For interacting with Java classes and libraries
cbMarkdown - For writing in markdown
cbMessagebox -- Display nice error/success messages
cborm -- Awesome ORM Services
cb18n -- For multilingual sites
cbt - ColdBox templating language
cbValidation - Back-end validation framework
qb - Fluent query builder and schema builder
route-visualizer - For visualizing your application routes
Install package from Commandbox prompt
install cbmessagebox
Install package from root prompt
box install cbmessagebox
Commandbox> install cbmessagebox
root@localhost: box install cbmessagebox